Our School
Dalefield, Te Kura o Matarawa

Dalefield School is a small school situated 6.5 km from the centre of Carterton. It  is a semi-rural, full primary school, which in recent years has provided educational opportunities for children from the Dalefield – Matarawa – Carterton Districts, as well as for children from both Carterton and Greytown. 85 students are currently enrolled at the school.

All pupils are placed in a House when they start school:

  • Kahungunu (local tribe),
  • Papawai (local Marae),
  • Waiohine (local river) and
  • Tararua (local ranges).

There are four learning spaces at Dalefield:
Whetū is our new entrant space,
Waihakeke is our Years 1 - 3 space,
Mangatarere is our Years 3 - 5 space,
Matarawa is our Years 6 - 8 space.

The names are of great significance for us here in this part of Wairarapa. Whetū being the stars is important for this region as a dark sky space. Waihakeke and Matarawa are local place names and Mangatarere is our stream that joins the Waiohine river, south of Carterton.

2022 - 2023 sees development of our school grounds and safety improvements around parking and access to the school. We will be fully fenced early in the new year and major planting and re establishment of our playground equipment are a priority. 10% of the school grounds are going to be given over to native ecosystems and the planning for 2023 planting programme is well-underway. Senior students have also been crucial in the design process for the new playground equipment.

We aim to make a positive difference in the lives of our students and families, celebrating our own and others' uniqueness. Our three school values underpin everything we do at Dalefield:
Ka whakaute ana tātau: We are respectful
He mea auhua matou: We are creative
He ākonga matou: We are learners

Welcome to our school.


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